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7 Teeth Staining Foods You Must Avoid

Nothing is more annoying then attempting to keep your teeth white but having to eat. Some people don't know that keeping your teeth white means not eating some food. Some foods are just not good for your teeth - lets learn which ones.

Black Coffee
I know I know! You don't want to give up your best friend in the whole-wide-world, but you might just want to. Black coffee stains your teeth and adding milk doesn't do much good either. So why don't you switch it out for some green tea? Green tea naturally keeps your teeth whiter by fighting bacteria and it's delicious!
I know I just told you that green tea was safe to drink and I"m sticking with my research! The real culprits are the dark teas. Those are the pesky teas that will leave your teeth stained and yellow. Green, herbal, and white tea are safe to drink and are just as delicious.
I have to say that I was a bit of a soda addict during my childhood, but that changed once I got my teeth cleaned for the last time. Diet dark sodas are the really bad ones, but in reality any dark soda will stain your teeth for sure. Most sodas are using artificial sweeteners which create tooth enamel damage. Dark sodas also contain high amount of citric acids and phosphoric acids which erode the enamel of the teeth. That can be painful, very, very painful!
Cranberry Juice
Doctors promote cranberry juice for health especially to woman, but the beverage isn't any good for keeping your teeth white. You are better off eating the fruit, or eating an apple which has its own unique weapons for fighting tooth bacteria.
Slushies & Popsicles
If what you are eating can easily stain your mouth and tongue it probably is doing the same to your teeth. Go with a lemon ice. They're tasty and sure not to stain your teeth. Keeping them white and lovely.
Soy Sauce
If you want to keep your teeth white you should know the staining rule. If it can stain your carpet or couch then it can stain your teeth. So if you're a big Chinese food or sushi fan remember to use the soy sauce sparingly.
Balsamic Vinegar
Balsamic vinegar is delicious, but it comes at a price; staining your teeth. If you are set on keeping your teeth white go with a lighter vinegar such as rice vinegar, or even a lemon spritzer.
For more information on keeping your teeth white visit my tooth whitening website at:
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